Is today Johnny Depp day or something?
According to Variety, Terry Gilliam will resurrect The Man who Killed Don Quixote, almost ten years after his first try failed. You'll remember that the film was plagued with everything from monstrously bad weather (a flash flood on day two of shooting) to lead actor, Jean Rochefort's back injury.
But, despite the hell it's been trying to bring Don Quixote to the big screen, it looks like Gilliam really will be able to get the film off the ground again. Gilliam will now work with producer Jeremy Thomas, and screenwriter Tony Grisoni, who also drafted the first script. Grisoni and Gilliam have rewritten the script, and the new version involves a filmmaker who joins forces with Don Quixote and unconsciously becomes Sancho Panza.
So, where does Depp fit in with all this? Terry Gilliam is reportedly in talks with Johnny Depp, but because of scheduling problems, it's far from a done deal. Depp or no Depp, Gilliam hopes to shoot The Man who Killed Don Quixote in the spring of 2010. You can watch the only six minutes of the film that were finished to get a feel of the project:

Now on to the Depp as Sinatra business. Niki Finke is trying to make Depp happen. Yesterday there was the announcement that Martin Scorsese really, truly is going to do the Frank Sinatra biopic. According to Finke, Universal Studios is very interested in Johnny Depp playing Sinatra. I'm a Depp cultist, but even I think this choice is a weird. Finke also says that Scorsese may be interested in Leonardo DiCaprio in the role which is something I (foolishly) didn't even expect. I just assumed that Scorsese would draw the line, considering the amount of biopics they have either done or plan on doing. And not to mention DiCaprio being an even weirder choice than Depp. I'm almost as big a DiCaprio cultist as I am a Depp one, but this is getting ridiculous and so predictable it isn't even fun to predict anymore. Despite the weirdness of Depp as Sinatra (then again, when is Johnny not weird?) I must admit, I'd be quite interested in seeing him work with Scorsese for the first time.
And finally, for your viewing pleasure, are two exclusive clips from Public Enemies:
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