Tuesday, June 2, 2009

'The Hangover' fooled the MPAA ?

If this is true, then it's mighty hilarious:

This weeks hilarious film The Hangover appears to have pulled a fast one on the MPAA when they awarded the film an R rating. To avoid the spoilers at the end of the film, there are photos shown during the credit sequence which include Zack Galafinakis getting an uncensored blow job from an elderly woman. Nudity is persistent throughout the film and definitely deserves it’s R rating, but with the images shown at the end of the film after the hilarious revelation its tough to not think that the end sequence was not included in the version given to the MPAA. Take this for at face value, could be BS. [KillerFilm]

Jeff Wells quoted a reader the other day saying that he overheard a couple of studio executives at a London screening saying the scene won’t be in the final released version. But that anecdote supposedly dates from a couple of weeks ago, and we’re pretty sure the film we saw yesterday is the version going out in theaters. Also, what do British studio executives know? [Vulture]

I really hope that sequence is in the theater version. Mainly so I can have even more reasons to LMFAO this weekend. And now, for the new red band trailer via The Playlist (baby masturbation included):

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  1. Interesting that the MPAA website doesn't show The Hangover at all. If you search for it, you come up with nothing.

  2. Yes it does, i just looked it up on the MPAA website. You just have to put simply "hangover" not "the hangover" and it'll come up.
