Wednesday, October 14, 2009

On hiatus

I've been running this blog for eight months. It's helped me with my writing, especially with writer's block, but sadly, it has become sort of a distraction from my other work. Between the novel, three short stories, a few screenplays, a short film, two blogs and scraping money together for either film school or a literature degree, something has to give. Unfortunately I'm making the difficult decision to put Come Back Shane! on hold. It's been a fun eight months and hopefully I will be able to return to this eventually. Thanks to all those who supported the blog.

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  1. Do you consider this blog to actually be a distraction from working on other writing projects? I'm coming to a bit of a crossroads in that regard as well - and had been hoping I could actually do both... Maybe not. To be able to balance out the work while still trying to act like a normal human being (video games, friends, family) from the outside looking in might seem daunting, but might be completely fulfilling.

  2. It did sort of become distracting from other things, but I also have another blog as well, so running two blogs might have been the problem.

    But, I might have gotten some freelance work out of this because I used some blog posts that IMDb linked to as writing samples, so you never know. A blog can really help out as well.

    I love movies, and I love writing, but I think I took on too much writing at once.

  3. We have a friend that was going through the same sort of turmoil when she was writing and producing her movie. The movie never made a huge impact but she followed her dreams and finished it. Good luck to you, if you can dream it, you can do it.
