Thursday, October 1, 2009

Kristen Stewart, Floria Sigismondi, and Joan Jett on the set of The Runaways

In this week's issue of Entertainment Weekly (via MTV), reporters were on the set of 36 movies and TV shows, including the set of Floria Sigismondi's The Runaways. Kristen Stewart is pictured with director Floria Sigismondi above in a photo from the EW issue.

Joan Jett is reportedly always on the set scaring the heck out of Stewart:

...watching Kristen and her fellow "New Moon" costar Dakota Fanning channel her and her '70s girl group was an unusual experience for the music legend. "It's really hard to put exact words on it beyond saying it’s surreal,” Joan explained.

To help Kristen with her portrayal, Joan gave her tapes of herself talking and singing at the age of 14, which Kristen spent weeks listening to.

“I’m sure it was a strange pressure [on Kristen],” Joan said of her constant presence on set. “She was kind of intimidated by it, but by the same token she wanted me there.”
There are also some kick ass photos of Kristen Stewart from Interview magazine. Some are posted below, but you can check out the rest courtesy of ONTD!

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